Feb 2 2023
Good news and bad news. I got unban from Rome's server but bad news because I got banned from three RP hubs including RP Hub | Server Advertising, Crescent Hub, and The Simple Roleplay Hub plus a blacklist on RPH Advertising and three more bans from yourfriendsteven's servers. Just...
I need prayers; The first one is that I placed my old Rent Lease in my apartment. I don't remember where I placed it and want to keep it in one place where I can find it. Another one is that my Gums heal. They bleed when I brush my teeth and it has been a problem for a long time. It has happened...
Dear Lord Jesus, I feel like nothing's going great in my life right now. I have an ear infection with drainage that's making me super self conscious especially at work, i'm doing a terrible job at work, i'm depressed because of toxic coworkers and toxic workplace and my baby patients are very...
I have messed up badly. She talked me into it and thought we wanted one. Now she may be, and I’m terrified. Won’t know if she is for about a week. We did it unprotected before she ovulated… This was an awful idea. I regret everything. She already has 2 kids and I have a terrible job, and no car...
My abusive ex who almost killed me 5 years ago is smearing my name and saying very obvious lies about me. I'm praying God fights for me and he is exposed to the people who bought into his lies. I've treid to fight him off myself an I have done a terrible job at it