Hello everyone, over ### years I made some terrible decision which cost alot in my life. My family and all. Right after that I chose to turn my life to God. Slowly but maturely the closer became closer to him and dedicating my life to him I have seen my family coming back together. I still have...
Me and the love of my life we’re finally back on track when I got news that a person I had seen when me and my girlfriend weren’t together was pregnant. Having to tell my girlfriend devastated her she says she’s done with me and hasn’t talked to me since. It’s nobody fault but my own I just wish...
Good evening. I made a terrible decision and I am in debt now of almost 1.5 million naira. 80% of the figure is interest and it is still rising. Please thought of suicide fills my heart and the creditors are on my neck. Please help me. I am not a fraud Star. My wife is pregnant I am unable to...
Feelings of depression, jealousy and pain. Loneliness and missing a close friend who made a terrible decision. Pray for the Holy Spirit to heal me and cleanse me.
I come from a background of being involved in witchcraft and the occult. I was also involved in new age practices. During this time, I utilized a number spells. I was at a point in my life where I was very fearful. I had a lot of enemies. I had a lot of people that were trying to do emotional...