Praise report: the Lord has fashioned and even as I write fashioned my jaw and teeth alignment to be more comfortable. Lord thank you I love you. please heal all those who need healing please heal my dad heart valve and destroy the works for the devil in his life. bless him with long life be in...
country: hungary
dad heart valve
family teeth related problems
high blood sugar
iris color hela
lvoe oyu pleas
strange phobias fear
thnaky u gffather ilvoe
ungodly things habits
GIANT PRAISE MIRACLE REPORT: MIRACLE PRAISE report!: I want to praise the Lord for giving me huge healing last night on my facial jaw and teeth alignment strengthening regrowth repositioning my facial bones. I suffered from sepsis flesh-eating bacteria. After several years, the Lord regrew...
praise report!: The Lord shifted my jaws a dn teeth alignement yesterday!! thank yo u SO mcuh Lord Jesus Christ praise to your forevr and ever!!!!! thank You Lord! also prais e to you Lord that last week i had a dte with i htink may mma be my husband formt he Lord. Lord iso excited is he really...
praise report!: i praise God for he has healed my facial bones jaw and teeth alignment shifting into place!! Praise be to the Lord Jesus Christ! All glory and Honour is YOurs Lord thank YOu!! it is YOu who has healed me thank YOu !! our great Physician Doctor Savior and true God and eternal...
country: hungary
demonic attacks
earthly husband
entire family
eternal life
facial bones jaw
great physician doctor savior
holy spirit
one flesh