Lord we thank You in Jesus name for working on our husbands for complete conversion to Christianity. We thank You for how You blessing us to see the answer to our prayer when we prayed together in Dee’s home on this past Monday evening.
We thank You God for sending a 1st warning to our...
1st warning
complete conversion
country: united states
destroyers job
other women
past monday evening
soul dainty meat job
strong pain jobswordjob
uprightness job
REVELATION ABOUT CORONA VIRUS (COVID 19) This is a revelation I received about Corona Virus -Covid 19 on 6 August 2020. I was keeping it to myself but now I feel I have to share it with everyone else. For we receive to give. It is written, "Why do you complain to him, that he answers none of...
6 august
book of revelation
corona virus
corona virus covid
country: zimbabwe
deep sleep
end times
evil spirit
god's judgment
ungodly ways