swollen eyes

  1. saylian

    18/6: pray for healing for ###

    Heavenly Father we come before You & lift up myself into Your loving hands. Father we pray for Your mercy & grace. We prsy that You Cover me with Your mighty hands & keeo me safe under Your wings of protection Lord. Pour down Your healing upon my swollen eyes Lord! Pour down Your healing upon...
  2. Anonymous

    Relief of swollen eyes and on body, ...

    Relief of swollen eyes and on body, head to toe and pain, and any swelling especially on mouth and gums must subside. Please bring wisdom and guidance in dealing with these offices that we not continue to be neglected or denied, but rush in all our help and e the po that all mail is delivered on...
  3. Anonymous

    Heal swollen eyes and this strange weather, ...

    Heal swollen eyes and this strange weather, please keep us all safe and protected and with this soon dental work that it all aligns perfectly and with the right color and tint on the bridge in these last hours Praises Lord
  4. Anonymous

    Bless us all Reverse all sickness and ...

    Bless us all Reverse all sickness and aging hair fall and root cause and open hearing restore vision. Stop knee clicking and help and bless and protect us and all appointments turn out well and they get the order right on glasses prescription lord and help to get them back to me quickly as...
  5. Anonymous

    Swollen eyes healing pain allergies peace and ...

    Swollen eyes healing pain allergies peace and safety and the right Godly in our lives
  6. Miranda T

    Protection of job

    I have made several mistakes today. I am very unwell with swollen eyes, swollen face today. Very headache. Pls pray for me that God will hv mercy on me that people will forget my mistakes and I can earn money with this temp job until my next job appears. God protects me from insults and...
  7. leo21


    I have sent a lot of prayer requests these past few days. My swollen eyes are better and my urine test came out normal. Praise the Lord! However, from last night my sense of smell and taste is completely lost. Please pray it comes back and I can smell again. Hallelujah! Thank you so much.
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