Please pray in Jesus name for my supplement to arrive with next day delivery. I need to take it daily and I am running out of it shortly. I have been inquiring about it for a week or so but have not heard back from my supplier. Please pray that the pharmacy will pay attention to my request. 🙏...
Please pray for my son Cole. He is addicted to a supplement called Kratom. It has been about 7 years that he has been taken it and he is now experiencing extreme weight loss, no appetite, nausea, vomiting and he looks anorexic which is one of the long- term side effects. This can lead to death...
Healing of these skin sores, could be allergies to a supplement just started talking. Also that an old friend communicate back to me, and these others, been so long since we haven't heard from them praying they're ok and with all their issues. Stop these people with their continual fireworks at...
Normsl hair growth. Everywhere dense and luxuriant, it used to be couple years ago. Its really to it splits and it is dammaged very easily. If i need to take supplement for vitamins/minerals, Lord guide me. Amen. I am in a transition to menopause.
I am 39 and got a report of -1.4 of osteopenia. I am very anxious now to have this diagnosis in such a young age. I have not been drinking soft drinks, coffee and took supplement etc.for years. Pray that my bone density be recovered to normal instead of taking the drugs. Pray for healing at bone...
Heal of whole body lord and help it function the way you created it to head to stomach and help to use the ba rm, ever since I’ve been taking a certain supplement this is causing this strain to bowels.
Please kindly pray that I may get a supplement for the travelling expenses in connection with work opportunity; may I meet understanding from the two people in charge of making decisions, to whom I have just written. May Gdo provide. In Jesus Name. Amen. May God bless