I've been seeing videos of people saying they went to hell after failed suicide attempts, drug overdose, etc. Thoughts? I thought we are all forgiven of our sins. It makes me worry that if I'm not perfect I will not be allowed to heaven. I'm not perfect, sometimes due to depression I pray for...
God, i am unable to bear it all, i am done crying every night, i am done being a failure, i am done being unloved, i am done being alone all the time, i am done waiting for the good times, please kill me and ease my pain, i know it's not much to ask, you give and take lives. Please take mine...
I believe that you Lord God can heal any illness. You can cure my daughter from her depression, I humbly beg You Father for Your will on our lives. I has been a painful and emotional struggle. All the selfharm and suicidal attempts. I do not have the strengty anymore. Please help us