I don't care anymore everagain for the men from my past Specifically the ones that always come in when I'm trying to just a Family moment with my own Family. I don't have to hear Music ever again that would make me Suicidal or remind me that the men are giving everyone else even who neighbors...
country: unknown
crew energy suckers u
family friends pets
family moment
family time men
good karma devil
good luck
loud annoying creature spirit devil
moon energy
I get to live a normal life without being attacked with SUICIDAL Thoughts Tormentors on me. TRIBULATION is here I guess idk I go to Heaven Jesus I love you I have been FAITHFUL I deserve to be RAPTURED not still in RAPE, WANDERING VAGABOND Curses and SUICIDAL Thoughts Curses. I don't cry myself...
best boyfriend lover
country: unknown
crew energy suckers
downtown sacramento county satan shame
peaceful new man
playground judgment justice department
positive feedback positive results period
suicidalthoughts curses
universe karma devil