Exam Success to me EDU 711 Introduction to foundation of Education 90% EDU 713 Educational Management and supervision 95% EDU 721 Psychology of learning 92% EDU 723 Basic Research method in Education 90% EDU 731 Curriculum Teaching Method 98% EDU 733 General Teaching Method 99% GST 707 A study...
Please pray for me, that my history professor will post my grades for quiz 3 and ch. 7 study guide. Please pray, that I will obtain an excellent grade on both assingments. Thank You, for praying for me. May God Bless You. Amen.
My Lord, thank You, for waking me up this day. My Family and pets as well. Thank you, for keeping me focused in my studying. Please help me complete and finish my study guide for ch. 5 by today. Thank You, Jesus. For helping me. Amen. My Lord, thank you for being kind to me. My Lord, please...