No falling off of the hair.
New miracle hairs growing.
Hair strong healthy thick dense voluminous luxuriant like it used to be couple months ago.
Hairs not fragile but strong.
Not thin but thick.
My hair strong healthy thick dense voluminous luxuriuant like it used to be couple monhs ago.
Not thin and fragile hairs but thick and very strong like they used to be.
New hairs growing.
Also nails strong regenerated.
No splitting or dammage.
Diet or vitamins for that.
Or just Gods...
Hair - no unhealthy or unnecessary falling off.
Hair strong healthy thick dense voluminous luxuriuant like it used to be even last year.
Nails strong and healthy, repaired restored.
No dammages or splitting.
Skin pure healthy smooth hydrated rejuvenated firm.
No dryness, itchiness...