Hi.. I've struggled and prayed for so long.. I've gone down on my knees and I've held my hand down on him while he sleeps praying to God..to save him..to show him a way, To keep the Devil away.. he's on Methadone Which helps with his addiction..but still he falls..he gets sick..when he uses...
Pray for innocent African American Christian men to be protected from having a stroke, heart attack or hypertension in National City, CA or anywhere in February of 2024 and beyond miraculously in Jesus name Amen.
Pray for innocent African American Christian men to be protected from being wrongfully cursed with a stroke, heart attack and hypertension in National City, CA, in the state of California and throughout the world in February of 2024 and beyond miraculously Amen.
Lord pleas ehela my grandm atoday please Lord Jesus chrits please heal my grandmas heart bloodpressure please no stroke heart attack. please dleiver her form fluid build uop. please dleiver her from small bowel obstruction syndrom pelase ehal herbbody physically and reaarrange correct and heal...