stress pressure

  1. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    I Need Compassionate Favor To Reschedule A Doctor's Appointment For Tomorrow With The Secretary Nancy Father God In Jesus's Name Please Help Me Amen

    I had confirmed an appt. for tomorrow but i now realized that i have to reschedule this & i am asking everyone to pray that the secretary named Nancy is kind & compassionate & will be very helpful & understanding & will call me back today to reschedule this & not be mad or upset with me Nancy...
  2. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    Urgent Prayer Needed For Extreme Anxiety Relief Now Please after helping my senior citizen friend

    Today i got over-whelmed from working behind the scenes on my senior citizen friend's behalf to save his rental apt for him It looks like his lease was now renewed for 2 years and his housing was saved by a miracle & for that i am soo grateful because i do not want to see anyone homeless ever...
  3. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    Most Urgent Prayer Need Father In Jesus Name! as today was brutal enough as it is & this has been a whole very difficult week-end for me unfortunately

    Father i ask in Jesus's name To please protect me from all spiritual warfare & un-expected attacks thru other people who speak to me & mean nothing but much harm to me yet profess to be followers of You ( how upsetting this is Abba-God ) Continue to keep all negative & intentionally hurtful...
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