Dear Lord, There are some people who cannot take No for an answer. They will push and push and become dangerous. In the name of Jesus Christ please ease the stress headache because of this. The man “###” who maintains the housing and his buddies make me feel are out of order. I’m Not Gonna let...
Dear My Abba-Father-Daddy-God In Heaven,
In Your Son Jesus's Name
Please help me in all of my ways for the rest of today & this evening
Bless me with the physical energy that i need
& also please take this stress headache away so i can focus & concentrate & have peace of heart & mind
abba father daddy
country: united states
dear heavenly father
divine supernatural assistance
father son holy ghost
holy spirit
necessary task
physical energy
precious name amen
Dear God I come to you with a stress out mind two of my children are facing evicted my youngest daughter owes 4100 in back rent and my youngest son owe 1600 in this month rent and I don't have a way to help them to keep a roof over thier head and now I have a stress headache that is not going...
Dear Abba-Father in Jesus's name
please heal me and help me feel all better
take this stress headache away and bless me with excellent health
thank-you for helping me this evening
i just want to feel better and be my very best despite all of the stress that i am under lately
again i pray for...