stopping place

  1. Kristen

    Ascending into His throne.

    We are not going to heaven because we shared Jesus with millions of people, nor for our good deeds done to the poor and needy. We are going to heaven because our deep faith in Jesus just like the thief on the cross. He said. Lord, remember me when you get into Your kingdom. Luke 23.42 I...
  2. Kathie

    This is really a stopping place for us.

    God sent us to earth to be here for a little while, a stopping place to be a blessings to those we live, work, and see in the streets around us. That is what life is. We are here right now, and then, we will not be here anymore. Like the clouds in the sky. We see them moving around us...
  3. SisterDoreen

    What questions should we ask?

    Did I offer peace and joy from the Lord today? Did I bring smiles to someones face so Jesus will be glorified? Did I say words of healing, compassion and hope? Did I forgive those who did wrong things to me? Did I show Jesus in my words and in my thoughts? Dear God, put the right words in mouth...
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