steven bobb

  1. Steven Bobb

    My name is Steven Bobb and Im ...

    My name is Steven Bobb and Im the only one who is busy.Everyone else sits around and does nothing all day.
  2. Steven Bobb

    My name is Steven.Bobb and I would ...

    My name is Steven.Bobb and I would rather things go my way than work against me.
  3. Steven Bobb

    I don't know if you realize how ...

    I don't know if you realize how much I hate being busy,and constantly so.Extreme and constant.I live in a state which once in a while gets hurricanes, and I actually crave a hurricane coming, because it will intervene in my schedule and give me a vacation. I can't even go to funerals with an...
  4. Steven Bobb

    People praying to end the Ukraine war ...

    People praying to end the Ukraine war , or Putin to back off, are actually praying AGAINST Bible prophecy and the words of Jesus.When asked the signs of the last days, Jesus said,{among other things,}"There will be wars and rumors of wars."If these prophecies are in the Bible, {and no signs that...
  5. Steven Bobb

    I don't understand what's wrong with the ...

    I don't understand what's wrong with the media. They're still harping on covid every minute, and they don t understand that people are tired of hearing about, or I should say, having that one subject crammed down our throats every minute. WHO CARES? There's other subjects, although I'm the only...
  6. Steven Bobb

    My name is Steven Bobb and I'm ...

    My name is Steven Bobb and I'm not an ostrich, therefore I admit negative things happen.And I'm not a masochist, so I'm not happy about it.
  7. Steven Bobb

    My name is Steven Bobb, and I'm ...

    My name is Steven Bobb, and I'm the only person in the world who can talk about subjects other than coronavirus.
  8. Steven Bobb

    My name is Steven Bobb and I ...

    My name is Steven Bobb and I feel that I'm the only one who is busy. Everyone else sits around and does nothing all day while I run myself into the ground. So unfair.
  9. Steven Bobb

    My name is Steven Bobb and I ...

    My name is Steven Bobb and I want everything to go my way 100% of the time.
  10. Steven Bobb

    Everyone is acting like a moron these ...

    Everyone is acting like a moron these days. They're all in a bad mood. People who were formerly outgoing and friendly are now short tempered and serious, AND take it out on you for no reason.Personally, I'm tired of being a scapegoat for their bad moods. I'm not a piece of garbage , I deserve...
  11. Steven Bobb

    Lately I've been on the receiving end ...

    Lately I've been on the receiving end of peoples "mood swings".My customers blame me for unreasonable things, and "go off on me."Like they expect me to do impossible things, don't understand the nature of the job, but "flip out,"sometimes even accusing me of showing favoritism. "Oh you wouldn't...
  12. Steven Bobb

    My name is Steven Bobb and I ...

    My name is Steven Bobb and I just want to lay on a hammock sipping an iced tea all day.
  13. Steven Bobb

    That a normal way of communicating comes ...

    That a normal way of communicating comes back, and I can call in a company to pay a bill or ask a question, and LIKE IN THE GOOD OLD DAYS A REAL LIVE HUMAN BEING gets on the phone , and responds to me in a normal way, not some machine that says, "Press one, press two,", and says,"I don't...
  14. Steven Bobb

    My name is Steven Bobb and I ...

    My name is Steven Bobb and I would like to lay on a hammock sipping an iced tea all day.No cares.
  15. Steven Bobb

    My name is Steven Bobb and I'm ...

    My name is Steven Bobb and I'm not a masochist.
  16. Steven Bobb

    There's a pattern about me, I'm right ...

    There's a pattern about me, I'm right about something , but everyone votes me down,but then as time goes, it proves to be truth what I was saying, and more people "jump on.". Like with something recently. The Democrats, I said, "how can there be peace,{like they superficially call for} when...
  17. Steven Bobb

    We can get our victory one way ...

    We can get our victory one way or the other.If the circumstances dont give it we can grab it ourselves I had my food all ready and was looking to start the new years stuff at a normal time.I was looking forward to it.But what I dreaded would happen happened.The stupid last customer who Ive had...
  18. Steven Bobb

    My name is Steven Bobb and I ...

    My name is Steven Bobb and I prefer good experiences to bad ones. I would rather lay on a hammock sipping an iced tea than be hanging upside down on a broken scaffold from the 85 floor of the Empire state building.
  19. Steven Bobb

    The holidays coming and I definately want ...

    The holidays coming and I definately want to send Brother James a shirt that states "Steven Bobb is my favorite scapegoat."
  20. Steven Bobb

    My name is Steven Bobb and I ...

    My name is Steven Bobb and I don't like aggravation. I like things to go my way.
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