stepmom clara

  1. MSC Prayers

    Prayer Request

    Praise God! Please pray for my dad, Howard. I don't think he's doing well in the health department. I haven't heard from him in quite a while, nor have I heard from my stepmom, Clara. Please pray for her too. May God's Will Be Done in both of their lives. In Jesus Name. Amen.
  2. MSC Prayers

    Urgent Prayer Request

    Please pray for my dad, Howard, and my stepmom, Clara. He's in the hospital and it doesn't sound like he's doing good and may not be around too much longer. Please pray for his salvation. Please pray for her, as she's having to deal with all of this and it's gotta be tough. Please pray for her...
  3. MSC Prayers

    Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ. Please ...

    Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ. Please pray for my dad, Howard. He's not doing well physically. Please pray for his salvation and ask God to heal him. Please pray for my stepmom, Clara. She's recovering from hip replacement surgery. Please pray for her salvation and ask God to heal her...
  4. MSC Prayers

    Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ. Please ...

    Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ. Please pray for my stepmom, Clara; my dad, Howard; and the situation they're going through. Clara had to place my dad in a temporary assisted adult living facility while she had hip replacement surgery. My dad is in hospice now. Please pray for both of their...
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