I request prayers that God blesses our consult day with much success and prosperity and that He continues to supply us with a steady stream of and supply of new patients from many different sources. This I pray in Jesus Name. Amen
Someone I love gave his life to Jesus just over a month ago. He's had a steady stream of demonic attacks against him (and me) since then. He is SO ON-FIRE to serve God, and I LOVE that about him. But.
He got a FAB idea this week: To pray over a site dedicated to the horrible deaths of MILLIONS...
I need a job. A lot of businesses are operating badly. A network of them hire, sabotage their own software and applications, then make it very difficult for the employees to smoothly operate. Later, due to some so-called economic setback, they let go people. Some jobs use metrics or quotas to...
I've had bad "luck" my whole life, but lately the bottom has REALLY fallen out. On top of this, there was something I thought I wanted, and because I had no success in this department up till then, made a 'quicker than I would have liked" decision with it, but it turns out it's causing more...