statistics exam

  1. Hagnuios

    Prayer for a Good grade on my stats exam

    Dear God, Please let me pass my statistics exam on Monday. I have tried to study so hard but despite my best efforts, I am still doubtful about my ability to pass. However, I do not doubt you. I know that you can see my suffering and will grant me the pleasure of a good grade. I do not need to...
  2. MKG

    Please pray for my son to do ...

    Please pray for my son to do well on his Statistics exam this morning.
  3. MKG

    Please pray for my son to do ...

    Please pray for my son to do extremely well on his Statistics exam today and his Genetics exam tomorrow. Also pray for him as he is struggling in his organic chemistry class. He has a professor who is teaching for the first time this semester. The last exam had a class average of 65. Please pray...
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