I request the holy community to put me in their prayers for a job placement in the UN. I have undergone all the stages of the interviews and just awaiting the final decission. Blessings
Dear God, may you bring people to view the content and fill them up with much hope and assurance that you are with them in every stages of their life.
And they continue to believe in you while you are sovereign in your ways in Jesus name. Amen!
Praying to God as I’m getting my first scan today. Praying that everything goes well and God keeps my child blessed and healthy through all the stages of pregnancy. Submitting myself to the Lord, please shield my family from all ill intentions. Thanking almighty for all countless blessings. Amen.
Prise the lord Dear pastor, i am sunil kumar k From bangalore I am preparing for railway exam this year. Please prayer for my exam to qualify in all stages for glori of God
Lord Jesus as i continue to evangelize and tell people about You, i pray that may You grow my audience and promote me to stages where i will be influential and thus make the world and people know You better and better. i pray against any form of pride and selfishness in all this in Jesus name i...
Happy sunday children of God last friday i was asked to submit my insurabce documents as part of the house purchaising process. Everything has so far been going well. Im expecting the process to finish this week. Pray with me so that the whole remaining process becomes a success. Thank you so...