
  1. Numre

    Light an Candle for Warring Angels to fight Idolatry towards SpongeBob SquarePants in All Places

    Everyone at PrayerRequest.com, Please light an Candle for The Warring Angels to cleanse all places of Idolatry towards SpongeBob SquarePants to pave ways for Cyberchase | PBS KIDS to gets an chance to shine in Popularity to become sold to Netflix in Jesus Name, Amen! Please Light an Candle...
  2. Numre

    Dear Lord, Please sends all Angels to ...

    Dear Lord, Please sends all Angels to cleanse all places that are full are Idolatry towards SpongeBob SquarePants to pave away for the Chance of The PBS Kids Series "Cyberchase" an chance to shine in Popularity enough to be buy-out by Netflix in Jesus Name, Amen!
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