My son, Dalton, will be having a squamous skin cancer removed Friday, October 16, 2020 at 7:30 a.m. I ask for you prayers that this surgical removal will be completed in the first skin removal. That the procedure will take care of all the cancer at minimal skin removal. Thank you for lifting my...
My prayer request is for my sister,Beverly she lives in Oklahoma and carries the cancer gene. She has had ovarian 2004, colon-rectal 2015, squamous skin cancer most recently. due to her chemo and radation on her face she lost the sight in her left eye and the doctor sewed it shut. she has a new...
Please add my friend Gary in your prayers. He is at the dermatologist right now getting a squamous skin cancer removed. He had a brother that passed away 3 years ago from skin cancer. Please pray that they get it all