Healing. I didn’t realize how hard the journey to total healing is. Lord God Almighty, this is really tough. In the name of Jesus Christ I ask you Lord to unblock every obstacle to my healing. Please orchestrate divine connections according to your will Lord. Pleas help me with spiritual growth...
My special request is for a friend that I have chosen to love and pray for. I’ve prayed almost everyday for the past year. I’ve prayed for his salvation, his heart to soften towards God, for God to do spiritual surgery, heal his depression, give wisdom, clarity, soften his heart towards me, for...
Prayer for a spiritual reset. Hello I need the Lord to perform spiritual surgery on me. To remove all of the past hurts and traumas. Secondly to bless the comported tech who will repair my laptop. Thank you
My wife, Esther Bose is being treated for stage 4 metastatic cancer. There is no sickness, disease, or infirmity Jesus cannot heal, cure or perform spiritual surgery on. Please pray for my wife that God should heal her of every Rumour, Cancer, and Sore of the Breast. Her abdomen is enlarged, and...