Dear prophets / pastors please pray for me sometime, I have bad dream about sleeping with different men.i think it's spiritual men( tokoloshi) My name is Michelle
I am caren from nairobi,kenya.Man of God pray for me my problems are many, bad dreams,spiritual mens,jobless,family curse,man of God pray for me and my family also my father brother is sick . I want healing and deliverence , more anointing, favour and iwant to be successful in my life and shine...
Pray for me all kinds of bad dreams come to an end and all dreams of me sleeping with spiritual men , have come to believe this an Alter of the Most high,,pray for me all unclean spirit to leave me,
Am possed by spiritual men and my family members want to sacrifice me and interrupt my education. I pray that God touches my heart through the fire man
Please evangelist pray for me spiritual men attack me,help me please!! Am really tired,but after praying along with you ,they're not attacking me to much but still coming. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭.I do believe and have faith that if I really recieve your prayers,I shall be fine in the might name of jesus christ...