I am completely pain free today...the neck abrasion is gone...the spider bite is gone...the misfortune is lifted. I am so grateful to all of you...thank you. Beautiful people, I pray that God bless each and everyone of you with abundance in all areas of your life! May Peace and Love fill your...
Jesus please let my stomach pain go away and my head injury or infection on my forehead or spider bite or whatever it is please clean up. Please also let my son cooperate and get ready for bed. Please also let my mother-in-law's appt go well tomorrow and my husband not get lost taking her and...
Please heal that spot in my sister’s back and arm that is hard from a spider bite we think in the name of Jesus Christ. Holy Spirit please continue to heal my sister Cheryl in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
Jesus please let my son stop eating badly and not taking his health seriously. And he's being awful to me. Please let him stop going so bad. He doesn't even care that I am in pain and sick. This is unbelievable. I don't deserve this, I am just trying to help him. Also, please let my medicine be...
Jesus please let my husband find another job or his boss have a change of heart. He just lost his job, I don't know what I am going to do. I also need my package delivered today, please let it come, I can't take the stress anymore. Please also heal my spider bite on my leg. Thank you Jesus, Amen.
Jesus please help me. My spider bite and cellulitis got worse. Please let me get to an after hours place or hospital tomorrow, and be safe from corona virus when I go Thank-you Jesus, Amen
Jesus thank you for letting me get refund and package tracking info for new package, please let me receive it. Also, please let my leg heal, the cellulitis from my spider bite is worse than the bite. Please also let my husband get paid today. Thank you Jesus, Amen.
Jesus please heal my spider bite and knee. Please help my husband feel better and his tooth pain go away. Please let my package come today. I need the items, they are very important. Thank you Jesus, Amen.