Oh God bring back my elder brother who has been away for the past 25yrs home as you promised that you will do in Jesus name. Amen
Secondly Oh Lord I destroy every negative effects of spider in my life in Jesus. Every spirit of spider operating in my life n family, catch fire today in Jesus...
I am praying for the evil spirit or witchcraft spirit to leave me because I feel like spider is moving on my face and also the people next to me same feelings and it bothers me to the extent that I feel ashamed to be among the people. Please pray with me that the Lord set me free in Jesus name Amen.
I am 24 years and I was bitten by a spider or insect or some doctors diagnose it as a varicose veins which develop into an foot ulcer. I have had it for 9 months and my wound hasn't heal or closed up perfectly yet.I use many medication but no luck. I seek prayer for my would to heal, the size...
Thank you Father for taking away the spider on our front porch and steps. We have not seen him in about a week or so.Please also help my brother to get my mothers phone fixed as it should be. Thank you Father for all you do for us. In Jesus Name I Pray Amen.
Heavenly Father today we saw the spider and tried again to get it. It ran up the web into the gutter to hide from us. Please help this spider to leave and not come back. He is big and brown and likes to build a huge web. We have been trying to get rid of him for about 2 weeks. It did not help to...
please say a prayer I found a spider in the bedding as I pulled over the bedcover tonight. it is a poisonous one - I flicked it away because I got a fright but cant find it so am sleeping in another room.
please pray for protection I am a bit freaked out. please pray for normal sleep and that I...
please say a prayer I found a spider in the bedding as I pulled over the bedcover tonight. it is a poisonous one - I flicked it away because I got a fright but cant find it so am sleeping in another room. please pray for protection I am a bit freaked out. please pray for normal sleep and that I...
Please heal that spot in my sister’s back and arm that is hard from a spider bite we think in the name of Jesus Christ. Holy Spirit please continue to heal my sister Cheryl in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
Jesus please help me I was biten by a spider and it is not healing that well. I am worried. Please also let me get my package tomorrow. I am so tired of getting the runaround and I need the vitamins. Thank you Jesus, Amen.