special thank

  1. Lori Ann

    An array of requests

    First I would like to send my gratitude to all those that have been praying for me, and a special thank you to the admins of this site. Reading your responses to the prayer requests lifts my spirits and I pray in Jesus Name that this ministry is blessed and souls are saved because of it. Now I...
  2. Alyssa Salcido

    Please pray for my ### sister in the hospital

    I am asking for healing prayers for my sister who is always mean to me. She is in the hospital getting a blood transfusion. Some complications are going on. Although her demons hate me, God still wants me to pray for her healing and recovery. A special thank you to everyone who prayed for my...
  3. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    I have to make a very important phone call & i need Great Favor for help & assistance from the person i speak to PLEASE PRAY FOR ME THANK-YOU SOO MUCH

    Dear Heavenly Father In Jesus's Name, May i speak to just the right person who You know God who can help & assist me today I ask for God's Divine Favor & Supernatural Help as i make this very important phone call & may everything go well & be perfectly resolved Dear Father God In Jesus's Name I...
  4. Anonymous

    As you told that until i get ...

    As you told that until i get the sign of hindu boy dinakar being diverted & my daughter not attracted towards this boy, I am posting as new request for special prayers. Thank you for all your continuous prayers. My daughter is studying in 5th class, daily I drop her to school and pick up. Every...
  5. Tellach

    Thanks to all!!! And a special thank ...

    Thanks to all!!! And a special thank you, to all who have prayed for my Moms health and recovery. Each of your prayers are coming through....God is healing her!!! God is Great!!! I love you all!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! God Bless each and everyone of you!!!
  6. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    Please Kindly Pray For Me As I Am Not Feeling Well This Evening

    We had some warm weather the past few days & today it has been snowing & is now very cold again This sudden change in the weather triggered a Sinus / Allergy / Migraine Headache today & i kindly ask for all of your prayers to feel a whole lot better this evening Father in Jesus's name Please...
  7. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    Un-Spoken Prayer Requests...thank-you to everyone who prays for me soo much. Prayers Can Move Mountains & Bring Miracles. The Greatest Gift Is Prayer

    I have some heart-breaking situations that i am facing and all i ask is for The Favor Of God Almighty to go before me to now accomplish what i humanly can not... Father in Jesus's Name please...hear my earnest and soo fervent prayers. Thank-you soo much Father Son and Holy Ghost and a very...
  8. NeedToCancelAccount

    Thank You, Dear Lord

    For all that you do for me. You know how rough the past couple of years have been, but you were very kind to get me in contact with the one person that I was worried about. Although we are now on different paths in life, and most likely won't talk again, it meant more to me than you ever know...
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