Pray that God will give me wisdom, strength, patience, discernment and perseverance in dealing with my health and heal me from mental and physical fatigue and both physical and emotional pain. Pray for healing of the right sacroilliac joint and all bone marrow edema and minor fractures be...
bone marrow edema
country: hong kong
emotional pain
head neck
minor fractures
right sacroiliac joint
softchairsoft surface
strong muscles
wisdom strength patience discernment
Pray that God will have mercy on me, help me to resolve all financial problems. I have been unemployed due to repeated fractures on my right sacroiliac joint and sacrum at my pelvis diagnosed with an autoimmune disease which attacks my spine.
(1) Complete healing and restoration of all bones...
autoimmune disease
country: hong kong
financial problems
flat hard chair
gas n electricity fees
heavy house works
heavy items
repeated fractures
right sacroiliac joint n sacrum
I am conquering severe depression, depression and an autoimmune disease that no one really cares and understands. I don't have anyone to care n listen or even to understand. I am struggling from daily physical n mental pain all silent battles n causes disability that I can't sit on soft chair...
Pray that God will pour out His mercy and compassion on me. GOD will work on heart of Dr Stanley Lam during the consultation at 10am on 27 Oct. Dr Lam will have wisdom to know why there is cracking sound at my right sacroilliac joint and lower spine, God will give Dr Lam to understand why...
Pray for healing of pelvis alignment so that my right and left pelvis ilium, sacrum and lower back spine are all aligned back to correct alignment, no more leg pain and tingling down to feet.
Pray that I got 110% healing, so that I can sit on soft chair like on car, bus and taxi, so that I can...
car bus
correct alignment
country: hong kong
country: taiwan
financial management
good time management
good time management sleep
healing of pelvis alignment
income provision
left pelvis ilium sacrum
leg pain
lower back spine
pelvis alignment
precious name amen
safe place
wise financial management
Pray for healing of the below injured place which has caused lots of disabilities and job loss in my life:
(1) Left scapular dislocation and snapping - numbness and tingling of left hand
(2) Right knee injury - swelling, patella cartilage soften and suspected medial meniscus torn
(3) Right...
1 left scapular dislocation
2 right knee injury
3 right sacroiliac si joint pain
anterior ligament flat foot
body parts
bright white
country: hong kong
country: taiwan
dislocation sacrum torsion
downs misalignment of left right ilium
extreme level 6 9 pain
injured place
job loss
left hand
left right ilium
patella cartilage
right ankle previous sprained injury
right knee injury
right sacroiliac si joint pain
right si joint bone
right si joint ilium
s1 s2 nerve
s1 s2 nerve right leg
scapular dislocation
si joint capsule
softchairsoft surface
suspected medial meniscus
x ray suspected bone inflammation
Pray for healing of the below injured place which has caused lots of disabilities and job loss in my life:
(1) Left scapular dislocation and snapping - numbness and tingling of left hand
(2) Right knee injury - swelling, patella cartilage soften and suspected medial meniscus torn
(3) Right...
1 left scapular dislocation
2 right knee injury
3 right sacroiliac si joint pain
anterior ligament flat foot
body parts
bright white
country: hong kong
country: taiwan
dislocation sacrum torsion
downs misalignment of left right ilium
extreme level 6 9 pain
injured place
job loss
left hand
left right ilium
patella cartilage
right ankle previous sprained injury
right knee injury
right sacroiliac si joint pain
right si joint bone
right si joint ilium
s1 s2 nerve
s1 s2 nerve right leg
scapular dislocation
si joint capsule
softchairsoft surface
suspected medial meniscus
x ray suspected bone inflammation