Hi n gm I had bad dream my mom ### walk out the door missing she dementia pray she don’t go near the door any more pulling the handle locks pray she calm less paranoid pray 🙏 she don’t get agitation anger less n more happiness pray God watch this building for evil talking need punish pray...
4324 church ave brooklyn ny
agitation anger
bad dream
country: united states
first floor transportation
good don t
grandma house
hi n
higher protection jinxing
I will bless the Lord and give Him glory and honor and praise for giving us another year to glorify His holy name. Hallelujah, praise Jesus for His kindness and goodness to all of us. O Lord, make us all a light in a dark world, to show sinners that Jesus is coming soon and we must prepare...
I do. I want to see the smiling face of the Lord Jesus waiting for me and for those who were faithful and true to His word while living on earth. They really knew the reason why they were sent to this planet, that is to be a blessing to everyone, to read His word on a daily basis, to speak to...
We all want heavenly guidance in our life. Change comes along in everything we do and keep asking God for wisdom on what to do and where to go and what to say to those who are asking where we are going. Wherever we are and whatever we are doing let us all look up and see salvation is coming...
After loosing all your family and friends in an earthquake, what should we do and where shall we go? Gods blessed word has the answer to this deep problem people are going through.
When my father and my mother forsake me, then the Lord will take me up.
Psalm 27.10
So many times we face...
There is wonderful promises coming down from heaven. Jesus clearly told all of us.
I am going to prepare a place for you, that where I am, there you may be also.
Glorious things will happen to all of us who believe, trust and wait for the Lord. Daily calling on His name and praising and...
If we look at the world and all its actions we will be distressed. If we look within we will be depressed and stressed out. If we look at Jesus face and His mercy we truly find relief to our troubled souls. That is one reason we should ask the Lord, every single day of our life. Open our...
Let us all start the first day of the New Year by fasting and praying before His holy presence. Asking for blessings, help, healing and grace in our life and the life we are praying for. Jesus will hear from heaven and will send peace and joy to our life.
With old memories the year will...
This is really a wonderful experience we can have in life, yielding to His will and obeying His words. I am yielding to Your Spirit, I am walking in Your love... Jesus I adore Your holy name right now and will forevermore.
Let Your glory fill this house.
Let Your praises fill my heart.
country: bolivia
eternity amen
faithful servant
great things
holy presence
important experiences
kind word
listening ear
wonderful experience
Dear Lord, bless my pastor, bless my church, bless everyone who will come in and give their entire life to God. Help us o Lord to live a life that pleases you and at the end of our pilgrimage on earth we shall see the smiling face of our dear Lord who will welcome us to His glorious presence...
This will be a wonderful day, a day we were expecting to see the glorious presence of Jesus who love us with an everlasting love and cares for us. He clearly said. I am going to prepare a place for you, that where I am there you may be also.
And when I see Him.
His smiling face.
Telling me...
I am just waiting for that wonderful day when Jesus will call us home and we shall hear His wonderful voice telling us... Well done good and faithful servant. Enter into the joy of your Lord. This is a wonderful promise Jesus has given to all of us. He said.
I tell you the truth, you will...
Pray for healing of my eyes. Only Jesus can do miracles before surgery. I do not want to loose vision at all, I want to open my eyes to see the smiling face of Jesus welcoming us in heaven.
Memory we have so dear comes as a gift from God who gave His only Son to remember what He did on Calvarys cross. The human brain can store enough data to fill several million books that compùters we see will not be able to hold that much information.
Life brings tears, smiles and memories...
On the 30th March, I received news that didn't favour a small investment we've done. I got confused, all my husband was saying was Jesus Jesus Jesus when will my life be free on the phone. I cried, I said let the God of nsppd have mercy on my family and answer me. Turn situation around...
This road stretches and seems so endless knowing when this will come to an end. Mens heart are so desperate to see and hear where we are going to end up when our time on earth is all over. For those who do not wander off your house and do not know what it is to live in tent or in under the...
From dust you were taken and to dust ye shall return... says Gods word. Our departure time will come sooner or later. We must be prepared to see Jesus smiling face. At the gates of heaven, He will welcome us in.
Waiting to see my dear Savior and Lord.
To sing Hallelujah to His name.
Love that song that says. Face to face with Christ my Savior.... beautiful song. My heart longs to see His smiling face, welcoming me and those who believe, trust and wait for Him.
I am waiting for His return anytime soon.
Let anyone of us Jesus lead your path wherever you are. Believe not everything you hear or read, test under the guidance of the Holy Spirit is those things comes from God. Trust in all the promises Jesus has given to us. Live one day at a time. Young and old come to the holy presence of...
When we love the Lord with all our heart, mind and soul, Jesus smiles on every single action we are doing here on earth. We building churches for the glory of God the father. We are feeding the hungry and clothing the naked just as Jesus said to do it. We are fasting and praying daily...