I am currently dealing with a narcissistic boss who is an outright bully. They have been reported to HR who is aware of their behavior, as others have reported them and also the leadership team has been exposed to their behavior as well. My boss does not provide direction and then gets upset...
Ministry prayer request Me and my wife have been involved In a low profile ministry here for over 14 years since its insertion in this part of the world. Ministry involves a small team of professional men and women, passing out His Word discreetly to non Christian through witness giving away NT...
clear guidelines
core team
country: qatar
country: turkey
low profile ministry
ministry leadership
one mind
professional men
recent past
smallteamsmallteam of professional men
world ministry
Prayer request: Son Santosh: He finally decided to resign his job as he could not bear the unnecessary pressure from the boss. He has left back to India. He looks better. He is inflight right to join with his wife. Please continue to pray for Santosh and his wife: deliverance from alcohol and...
country continued protection
country: qatar
difficult situation
effective sponsorship change process
little children
mr murtaza
online teaching
other issues
son santosh
unnecessary pressure
wife deliverance
wife shirley
wife shirley effective sponsorship change process