I am afraid that my boyfriend ### might breakup with me tomorrow. I accidentally yelled at him and he's been giving me the silent treatment. He has a tendency to let go of our relationship and break up because of petty things. I pray that he be more open minded and focus more on addressing our...
Please pray for me I am sunita I am saying in hostel 7 months before I got to small fight with my hostel owner so they told me to leave there hostel but I don't know anything so I am saying here only after fight also but they are not respect I want to leave this hostel I really need one very...
Myself I am Daniel Benjamin my wife princy daniel we both had small fight to each other now my wife is sparat from me and she is asking me divorce I don't want to tat to be happened pls pary for us and my family
Me and my husband had a small fight because i check his mobile and got mad, from that day itself he stop talking to me and says he cant forgive me, now he left n stay in his parent's place. We hv a 3 years old son no matter how much i ask forgiveness he said he cant forgive anymore. He said he...
I had a small fight with my mom regarding one comb , oh my Jesus she fights like hell , am really scared if she says to my dad both will scream badly since I am a single mom of 2 I stay with them often she says my money my Money that hurts she used that comb and throwed on me , I slept on the...