small business track shop

  1. Khazlani

    Good day Prophet T.B Joshua ,my Name's ...

    Good day Prophet T.B Joshua ,my Name's Lucia Haitembu living in Namibia SADC Country,l am here to request the prayer ,l lost my job because of COVID-19 infecting in our country us well and l am still fighting to get my money because the company reject to pay my leave days,retrenchment money and...
  2. Khazlani

    Good day Prophet T.B Joshua ,my Name's ...

    Good day Prophet T.B Joshua ,my Name's Lucia Haitembu living in Namibia SADC Country,l am here to request the prayer ,l lost my job because of COVID-19 infecting in our country us well and l am still fighting to get my money because the company reject to pay my leave days,retrenchment money and...
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