The Lor djesus Chirst is the true God and everalstign life.LIvign waters!! God elp me to turn to oyu heal me and my fmaiyl save us and giv eus life and for allhere too. Lor di need dlieverance orm mentlaillness phobias. please help me thnak oyu and hela that boy in hsopital heal the man wiht...
Summary (due to privacy): A heartfelt prayer for love, understanding, and healing. The individual expresses feelings of being unloved and unseen, particularly by their mother, who has Asperger syndrome. They seek love and guidance from God, asking for help in loving others and for their...
Lord Jeus Chirst i com e to oyu wiht your Holy blood. i ask oyíu ot please come to me as ell. asking you to please heal my fmaily of sevreral illnesses by YOur power Fath rer i come to you with the blood of Christ i ask you to please heal ym famiyl by th Holy blood of the Lord Jesus Christ...
b formsmokig alchhaulk giv
country: hungary
hoyl blood ressurec tus
mercy health giv
night lord jesus christ
oyu holy blodo pleas
quality palc eot sleep
resurrected christ jesus christ
witchcraft lord jesus christ
pleas epra yof rhis heart and recovery form illness. Pleas pelas epelas epelas epray of rmy my grandma shelaign full helaign of her eyes. they are losing pigment ian dshe nee dhelaign form high bloso suga rsna dblodo pressur epelas eLor dforgive mysisn guide me into all truht concenrign her eyes...
i jsut wish to be free form my own life. its so hard Lor dhelp me i cant hekp mylesf pelas epleas ei beg you. ijsut ned help. why wont help me. why do i have so extreme challanges. i jsut cna tdo this anymore. Lor dhwer eare oyu i cant od this. opeklas epelas ehelp me tody somehow. i hate haivng...
aloen lor di knwo vianis
country: hungary
dleive rhim form smokign
healthy strong baby boy nephew
high blood sugar blood pressure
lor dhwer
love ge tmarrie
mom ehale dof
ygrandm aheale dof demntia
Lord thank oyu os much ro healign my jaw and teeth yesterday for putting myxjaw lowerign it so it smor eocmfortable. thnak oyu and please hal all who need healign in their teeth and jaws. pleas ehealmy broekn teeth please hela mymoms mouth and heal her form the amalgam filligns please...
Praise reprot: befor ei was praying and the Lor dbrought healign to my teeth gums boens sacial bones. Praise to the Holy name of our redemeemer oru Lord Jesus Christ . I plead your hOly blood upon my grandm aurgently pelase pray her blod rpressur eis good and she DOES NOT HAVE a heart...
clear communication smallbowel blockage
country: hungary
eplaeplase vigemy grandm ath miracle
forgiv emy sisn
grandma jesus schirst lor
hell satan death
high blood pressure extreme pain
high blood pressure pleas
high bloso ressurelor
Miracl eprais ereprot: thnak you Lord for helaign dental flehs of minand bones facial boens jaws comign intoto healed alignemtn thanky ou lrod Jeus Chirst for your helaign mriacle sand thank oyu above alle lse for enver elavign em or forsakign em or anyoen. We always have the hoep in you. Please...
Lor dpleas ehal my leg its throbbginwith numbness pelase take away diabetes diabetes isnipidus dehydratoion klyme disease tumor if applicabel or cance rpelas eheal m form flehs eaitgn bacteria dn esevere stress pelase help Lord. also heal my grandma form dmentia and malntrtionhgihblos sugar high...
mega praise report: i recieved even now healin form the Lord Jeus Chirs ton my teeht and jaw shifitn in place.. after suffeirn many year swith type one diabete sinsulin reistance diabetic acidosis i have recivec so mcuh healign. I praise God. i am so thankful i am so thankful to eb alive thank...
coornphobia szil nk phobia dirt phobia
country: hungary
happy most beautiful nephew pleas
holy spirit jesus christ
many miraculous ways
many switch type one diabetes insulin resistance
mother sbrian andlfe lor
reall deepest thnak oyu
true love easy love
praise report.Thank you Lor dof rhelaign in my teet alignment jaws. thanky ou Lord of rmore strnght. pelase giv eme and my fmiala nd all who need mroe strnght and faiht and truly knwoign Chirst as our Lor dan dlvo eof our lives. askign prayers for my grandma to be heale dof demtnia and highbloos...
praise report.Thank you Lor dof rhelaign in my teet alignment jaws. thanky ou Lord of rmore strnght. pelase giv eme and my fmiala nd all who need mroe strnght and faiht and truly knwoign Chirst as our Lor dan dlvo eof our lives. askign prayers for my grandma to be heale dof demtnia and highbloos...
i feel ver yill due to illness i jsut dotn see much hope out of this. i need God ot really itnervene and help . its really hrd . my parnts need shelaign and grandm and brother his wif epregnant aksign fo rsafe healhtly miralc ehappy belsse dpregnancy and blesse dheappy ebutifiul storng neephew...
beautiful strong nephew lor
country: hungary
dleiv rus tongiht
ebg oyu hav emrcy
merry yheart hela al ontihsist ehtie
phobia pleas eigv
rfmialei san dhtos ien
safe healthy miracle happy blessed pregnancy
type 1 diabeteyi beg oyu lor dhave
Praise report: thank you Lord that while in prayer you heale dmy eyes shiften bones teeht jaw alignemnt. thank you Lord Jesus Christ Lor dplease save heal restore all my life my fmaiyl memebrs and their lives and all peoples lives anadmarirages. Lor dif B is my husband form yo cna you make this...
praise report:: Askign of was praying the Lord shifted teeth in place better alignment thank you Lord Jesus Christ!!! praise the Lord!!! askign praer for my familys totoal helaign and total repantacne total salvation in Christ adn also for forgivness of sins by the blood of the Lord Jesus...
askign God for his forgivness of my sins an dhealign of my body and saivng me and healignmy fmaily in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Lord take my family out of hopleslessnes giv eus wisodm lvoe and power love osudn mind pour your Holy spiritonuslikeneve rbefore guide us wiht oyur eye. dleive...
prasie report: Lord thank you for your Holy spirit thanky ou for healign in y jaw teeth eye facial boen sjaws. please forgive my sisn. please heal my grandams scalp kin skul. body.heal her form dementia. pelase gvi her healign in very way heal her form small bowel obstruction syndroem.pelase...
country: hungary
delivery form congestiv eheart fuilrure
ehr form malnutrition
ehr teeth gums mouth
excellent health sound mind
excellent oxygen supply
family farm accident death
grandams scalp kin skul body
jaw teeth eye facial boen sjaws
PRaise reprot: thank you Lord Jesus Christ for you mircuollouls helaign fo teeht jaw facial boens thank you for helpign me wiht mayn thign sliek ideas for inventions. pleas ehelp me with my lsut for materism. please help me find and seek the Lord iwht lal my heart. ipray htis for my future hubby...