In Jesus’s name, please pray it is God‘s will to heal and save my husband. We’re going through turmoil yet again. He is 300 miles away from ###, not doing well physically or emotionally. He is now texting me saying he’s not coming home, he’ll let me know what his next move is, insinuating...
My husband has changed drastically from the man that he used to be part of it is due to a pill addiction. He now just wants to hang out from 12 o’clock in the afternoon basically till 12 o’clock midnight sometimes 1 o’clock in the morning. My husband Has changed so much and he lies constantly...
Please help me. I’m grieving the lost of my mom and I am not coping. My partner is not helping and has a hair trigger temper. I believe he’s a narcissist. Screams at me and I can’t communicate with him. Used to tell me he loves me but now just told me he does not love me, but has feelings for me...
Everything I do never moves on, even the slightest thing always end up wrong, things I pray for most always end up in disappointments,nothing I pray ever comes to be