sleeping habits

  1. Night Fox

    Continued Prayers

    A lot has been happening lately. I had 3 teeth pulled this week and I'm healing from that, but would like to ask for a touch in my teeth. My dog, whom I've asked for prayer over before, his appetite, drinking, bathroom, and even sleeping habits are all over the place and vary day to day from not...
  2. Regiah

    I need a word Lord

    Dear Lord, The state where I live is in a arctic cold for the last 3 days -23 degrees. I thank you for shelter, heat and food. Lord, I keep waking up every night between 3 and 5am. My sleeping habits are all off. The battery is completely dead in my car. My dreams are weird, I only remember...
  3. Elbul

    Dear Pastor Satish Kumar Myself, Vatsalya Krupa ...

    Dear Pastor Satish Kumar Myself, Vatsalya Krupa from Bangalore is a resident of HSR Layout in Bangalore... I have known about you from my mom who regularly watches your program/Sermon on Satyaveda channel... I do feel that you have been chosen from the almighty to serve Him these...
  4. natasha2

    Blood pressure, heart beat, stomach, sleep

    Normal heart beat. Normal blood pressure. No bloating. Normal stomach acid. No gastritis. Everything all right with diggestion. Good sweet sleep. Normal biorhytm. Healthy eating and sleeping habits, the best rhytm for my body.
  5. Oglonian

    Chadwick turns 13 tomorrow, he will know ...

    Chadwick turns 13 tomorrow, he will know Jesus. his mind, eyes, heart, hands, mouth, feet. He have good friends. Get along with his sisters. Self disciplined, good eating and sleeping habits. God blessings on each of you.
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