Lord, you continually watch recruiter after a recruiter have said the same message to me that they do not have anything suitable for my requirements and should anything arise they will be in touch.
Now many employers are waiting for the bombshell announcement on 17th November by the Chancellor...
country: united kingdom
deepening mortgage crisis
final business decisions
interest rate rise
monthly mortgage
other health issues
same message
skilldevelopmentevidencetrainingskill shortages
suitable job candidates
Lord, you have watched throughout my period of unemployment as a recruiter after a recruiter has said the same message that they do not have anything suitable for my requirements and should anything arise they will be in touch. This is despite my time spent carrying out skill development...
country: united kingdom
deepening financial crisis
next move
prospective employers
right job
same message
skilldevelopmentevidencetrainingskill shortages
suitable applicants