Dear Lord, Hey, I know it's been a minute since I have spoken to you. Life has been hard dealing with being a victim of receiving Herpes. Now day by day I have to walk in this life knowing that I have to carry this. The person that gave it to me I hate that he is not being honest with himself...
I am living a similar story of Abigail in the Bible. I am believing God to remove this evil man out of my life. He is trying to make me choose between my mother and him. But he says he is a child of God. He is a spiritual narcissist. My mother had a conversation with him a couple weeks ago, and...
Please pray for my fiancé that he may seek the help he needs to get off drugs he has become less emotional emotionally selfish hard cold distant and he even abandons us from time to time. I pray Hod changes his heart and remove the people that encourages him to do drugs. I pray God helps him...