Break my Mobile n tv addiction. Getting addict in tv n mobile always. Getting late for sleep at night. Instead of this i should have watched something religious book's or shows in the pnn. Busy in useless strolling down phn. Watching unnecessary un important show's, time waste. Pray for me...
Pray that I received a financial blessing to start my projects, I need a car and a house. Pray for Chevany 's partner he is still missing, may God shows where he is. Forgive them God, have mercy, give them repentance and deliverance. Expose all the wickedness of Savitree, Bippin, Vikram, Pravin...
She did it again! She parked on the opposite side by the other windows after coming back from where ever she went to this morning. Her car showed up on in that other side seemingly not long after my partner got up. She was by parked by our windows last night until this morning. I am wondering if...
Please help pray over Peter He is almost 33 and his 70 year old parents do yard work while he watches shows indoors He stacks boxes at Schnucks and prior to that had a seven year job gap Has almost no friends and tried to sue me for recycling a moldy cardboard box Peter broke my wrist and I was...
Lord your words say ask and I will recieve I stand on your words lord I ask you please please bless me please to plesse please win millions millions of pounds I desyee please lord on thd euro millions tickets I buy out on whether I buy online or in any shios please lord ble right now please lord...
Lord nothing I'd impossible for you lord this is very important to me I ask you please please lord flood abundantky all shoos all every make up brabds compahys all every make up manufactures with new the very very best ever please lord new foundations tinted mostruisers all the new very very...
country: united kingdom
great great abundance
great prices
new foundations
new pump bottles
new tubes
particular things products items
I’m still praying and asking for deliverance. Right now, I’m going through warfare and continued witchcraft when fasting. The person I’m staying with is a Jehovah’s Witness and she practice it Thursday, Saturday, Sunday. I get sick, but I know I can’t give up. So If you don’t mind I appreciate...
abundance of financial blessing
continued witchcraft
country: united states
financial blessing
free right
jehovah s witness
new house
witchcraft fight
Help to pray for chishimba kambwili that the Lord shows him mercy and release him from prison. Help me pray for the entire world that peace may reign and divine revival to take place throughout the world.
Brethren I pray the devils weapons fashioned against me do not prosper. Many will not speak on the sufferings of christ and the cross but I am enduring pain and suffering but it is light in comparison to the blue and white canvas sky and mansion the Lord shows me. I pray for a beautiful female...
Dear Jesus, Please bless my mom's business. She is in the wedding industry and has been hit hard because of the pandemic. Please pray her shows will be great in January. Please bless Steve's job search. Help him get hired in the fall. Please bless DT. Amen
Dear Jesus, Please bless my mom's business. She has been getting contracts in. Please let the virus be gone by January for her shows are successful. Please bless the treatments and vaccines. Amen