
  1. Steven Bobb

    For the Christians who voted for Biden, ...

    For the Christians who voted for Biden, the verse I think of is,"Because you have made a covenant with Sheol, you have said,when the overwhelming deluge passes through it will not harm me. When the overwhelming deluge passes through , it will harm you."
  2. Steven Bobb

    When I see the Biden votes,putting him ...

    When I see the Biden votes,putting him over, the verse that comes to mind ,"Because you have made a covenant with Sheol, you say, when the overwhelming deluge comes, it will pass over us. When the overwhelming deluge comes,, it will NOT pass over you."People celebrating , if Trump does overturn...
  3. Vogisonen

    Please take Trump back to Sheol, Lord!

    Please take Trump back to Sheol, Lord!
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