pls cont to pray for God to give me peace, joy, energy to clean all n house n car. that all bad childhood memories will b healed, so that i have no anxiety n fear. For God to truly heal an addiction to thrift stores n buying things. the house is a disaster still; complicated by infestation of...
bad childhood memories
bad habit
bad tempers
country: unknown
patti s shirley
peace joy energy
prideful john c
stove furnace heater
thrift stores
thx intercessors for praying that God will straighten out the house insurance payment. 2 people r working on the home insurance quote--they r coming up w/ different totals; pls pls pray God irons out the kinks as the house insurance payment is due very soon!!
Again, pls cont. to pray for God to...
anxiety depression discouragement
car asap
christian maturity
country: unknown
different totals pls
following sheldonannettemegan n frank kenny doug s
frank kenny doug
home insurance quote
house insurance payment
newer vehicle
people r
pls cont
rain pls
thx intercessors
w different totals pls irons