I pray that my body heals. I feel like a ghost sometimes; I can see my shadow in everything that I do and I feel as if that's not normal. The man upstairs is doing something to my body; I can feel it, I pray but nothing seems to work. When I try to fight back, my muscles feel weak. Meaning, if...
O lord show me mercy me and give my family, one miracle that will turn things around. O lord settle d marital life of my sisters with good husbands. P lord show me mercy on that international doors with favour, let it open 4 early than expected. O lord show me mercy on that house project, let d...
My name is Onica Dlamini-Mashego and residing in Johannesburg. I am under spiritual attacks on daily basis 24/7, day and night. As I am writing this message, I feel like there is something moving in body and feeling like I am I am an electric shocked person. I cannot sleep. My toes are like...