shalom everyone

  1. Holy.Ishti

    Prayer for my Family and people around me

    Praise the Lord.. Shalom Everyone here.. I have a prayer request: Please keep my family and people around me so that they may know the Lord and get saved.. I belong to a Hindu family and I started following Christ when I was 12 years old when I was miraculously healed from severe pneumonia...
  2. Abner G

    Prayer request for Getting Good job

    Shallom Everyone, Thank uh all of uh for keeping mee in ur prayers & Pls keep my prayer request regarding getting wonderful job with wonderful salary from which i can clear all my financial crises & contribute donation for needy peoples & for my safe future , so pls keep my this prayer request...
  3. Abner G

    Shallom Everyone, Thank uh all of uh ...

    Shallom Everyone, Thank uh all of uh for keeping mee in ur prayers & Pls keep my prayer request regarding getting wonderful job with wonderful salary from which i can clear all my financial crises & contribute donation for needy peoples & for my safe future , so pls keep my this prayer request...
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