LORD, Jehovah Rapha, El Roi, El Elyon, Jehovah Rophe, El Olam, El Shaddai, please heal, restore, regenerate, rejuvenate, replenish, cleanse, and revive, my brain each quadruple seven-fold ###Ma###:### and also from damage and bad changes, in Jesus' name...
I keep self-harming and I don’t feel bad I know it’s bad.. I’ve been to therapy, don’t like it. I’ve been addicted to lust since seven or six, probably seven. My step dad was inappropriate and said something about p*rn. I was curious, looked it up, and didn’t stop. BTW, my mom said I’m like...
Please pray for my unborn baby he will be physically and mentally healthy. I am completed seven and half months. My blood pressure was increasing day by day so that's the reason doctor told me that baby will be born before time. Please pray for me that my baby will be born after completion of 9...
Please pray for me🙏🏻 I am married to a man who doesn’t love me at all. It’s only seven months I’m married to him. I married this person because I couldn’t leave him and bring a disgrace to my family and also there are lots of reasons. I love my parents more than anything in this world, Because...
Pray God will heal my from bullying bind the harassment and domination. It comes in one way flees seven ways in Jesus name though it on my left side and though it be on my right, it will not come near me.
Please let us pray help me to pray. Praying for me to conceive a babies. Seven years marriage. I beleive in GOD and I beleive in miracle. For the is impossible but for you Our GOD Everything is possible.
I am Dawn from Kenya praying for break though I have been in emotional abusive marriage for seven years.Too many girls many with kids ,.One with a one year old son pushing for marriage been stressed it's like am in .I fear for my health ,I have two kids with no job..please help me pray.also...
country: kenya
emotional abusive marriage
many girls
old son
one old son
two kids
urinary tract bacterial infection