serious situations

  1. Tultridan

    Pled the blood of Jesus

    Recently I have found I am pregnant and have been having some evil dreams. I wake up and remember parts but do not understand them. I've been praying for God to help me discern their meaning. Well, I just woke up from one where my partner had a desk job (he has one in real life and I wish I had...
  2. Anonymous

    Please pray for my ###s

    They are in serious situations. Both husbands addicted to cocaine which has caused a lot of pain in their families. My first aunt's son has no relationship with them. They closed their hearts to him. He also needs freedom from addiction and bondage. He has followed his dad's bad example, not...
  3. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    I Need Prayer Tonight

    I have several serious unspoken prayer requests right now thank-you soo much for praying for me everyone Dear Father God In Jesus's Name please resolve all of these serious situations on my behalf miraculously thank-you Blessed Trinity for helping me amen xox
  4. Sparklee

    Emotional health in marriages

    Lord, You have said in Your Word that You redeem our souls when we put our trust in You (Psalm 34:22). Pray that marriages would have faith in You to redeem their souls from negative emotions. May they never be controlled by depression, anger, anxiety, jealousy, hopelessness, fear, or...
  5. Sparklee

    Emotional health in marriages

    Lord, You have said in Your Word that You redeem our souls when we put our trust in You (Psalm 34:22). Pray that marriages would have faith in You to redeem their souls from negative emotions. May they never be controlled by depression, anger, anxiety, jealousy, hopelessness, fear, or...
  6. Anonymous

    They are in serious situations. Both husbands ...

    They are in serious situations. Both husbands addicted to cocaine which has caused a lot of pain in their families. My first aunt's son has no relationship with them. They closed their hearts to him. He also needs freedom from addiction and bondage. He has followed his dad's bad example, not...
  7. Anonymous

    Please pray for my aunts, their husbands, and children

    They are in serious situations. Both husbands addicted to cocaine which has caused a lot of pain in their families. My first aunt's son has no relationship with them. They closed their hearts to him. He also needs freedom from addiction and bondage. He has followed his dad's bad example, not...
  8. Anonymous

    I lift up prayer for my two aunts, their husbands, and children.

    They are in serious situations. Both husbands addicted to cocaine which has caused a lot of pain in their families. My first aunt's son has no relationship with them. They closed their hearts to him. He also needs freedom from addiction and bondage. He has followed his dad's bad example, not...
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