serious financial hardship

  1. Giluenwood

    Prayer needed!

    I'm writing because I'm in a really tough spot. I'm facing serious financial hardship and I'm worried I'm going to lose my home. I'm disabled and can't work, so keeping up with my mortgage payments is impossible. Things are really bad, I'm barely hanging on, and I feel completely alone...
  2. Narkari

    Please pray for me I am facing ...

    Please pray for me I am facing a serious financial hardship that feeding my family is really a serious challenge and am struggling with debts please pray for God to have mercy and help me
  3. Gathray

    Hello! I'm Chameli from Sri Lanka and ...

    Hello! I'm Chameli from Sri Lanka and 23 years old. I had ECT (Electroconvulsive Therapy) treatment because of my serious mental illness. After that, I feel renewed and I'm looking forward to live a happier and satisfying life. Praise be to God! I'm so grateful. But, our family is going through...
  4. Gathray

    Hello, I'm Chameli from Sri Lanka. I'm ...

    Hello, I'm Chameli from Sri Lanka. I'm a girl and 23 years old. Finally, my mental illness is correctly diagnosed and doctor said to do ECT (Electroconvulsive Therapy) treatment. But, my family is going through a serious financial hardship. We need a financial miracle right now, to heal my...
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