self condemnation

  1. Divine Seeker

    Trusting in God's grace and help on ### path through life

    I request prayers that God helps me to trust more in His grace and ever present help on my path through life and that He helps me to let go of any and all blocks to joy and success in my life. Also, that He helps me to let go of any and all procrastination and that He helps me to fully love and...
  2. SammyH

    Desperate Hopeless Broken

    Hello Everybody, May God bless all who read this request! I have recently had a lot of stomach, chest, and back pain. Last night I threw up black vomit. I have esphogus damage and stomach lining damage. I need your guys help. I am desperate. I am on the verge of quitting and giving...
  3. Divine Seeker


    I request prayers that God helps me to let go of any and all addictions, laziness, procrastination, and any and all unhealthy habits. Also, that He helps me to let go of any and all self judgement, self criticism, and self condemnation and that instead He helps me to feel and experience a deep...
  4. Elodie

    Deep regrets and insomnia

    Pray strongly for me that I am free from guilt, regret, and self-condemnation. I can't sleep I have insomnia. Pray for me for peace in my soul.
  5. Divine Seeker

    I request prayers that God can help ...

    I request prayers that God can help me to let go of all self hatred, all low self worth, all self criticism, all self condemnation, all hatred, anger, rage, envy, jealousy, shame and guilt. And may God instead fill me with joy and love and kindness and gratitude. Amen
  6. Anonymous

    Gratitude to the Lord with all ...

    Gratitude to the Lord with all my heart and no self condemnation and wisdom to do the right thing
  7. Divine Seeker

    I request prayers that I can let ...

    I request prayers that I can let go of procrastination and get things done in a timely and efficient manner and that I can also let go of self judgement, self criticism and self condemnation and that I can fully and unconditionally love and accept myself and accept myself and love myself. Amen
  8. Divine Seeker

    I pray that I am able to ...

    I pray that I am able to let go of self judgement, self criticism, and self condemnation and that I am able to trust the Will of God and His Divine guidance and His Divine Energy working in me and through me. And that I am able to realize and know that God is the Doer. Amen
  9. Divine Seeker

    I request prayers that I may let ...

    I request prayers that I may let go of all unhealthy habits of body, mind, emotions and spirit without self judgement, self criticism or self condemnation. Amen
  10. Divine Seeker

    I request prayers that I can let ...

    I request prayers that I can let go of all habits of procrastination, self judgement, self criticism and self condemnation. And all habits of buying things I don't need and shopping too much, eating in an unhealthy way and reading too much. I pray that all blocks to experiencing the Divine...
  11. Shatox

    Sex addictions testimony

    Hello Brothers and Sisters. I came here today to give my testimony on the subject of sexual impulse disorders,and porn addiction, of which I had both. I don't usually tell people about this because it's embarrassing. But I believe the Lord put it in my heart to share this testimony in...
  12. Articles

    Today's Verse - 1 Peter 2:10 (KJV)

    Which in time past [you] were not a people, but [you] are now the people of God: which had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy. —1 Peter 2:10 (KJV) Thoughts on Today's Verse... Excluded. Rejected. Discarded. Abandoned. Forgotten. Pushed aside. Not picked. Each of these describes...
  13. Bizmur

    Please Pray for me that I feel ...

    Please Pray for me that I feel self-condemnation in my mind even though I read Bible and pray I feel dryiness in my life please pray .
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