secret believer

  1. Wylandadh

    email from Open Doors charity for persecuted Christians for prayers for our brethren in Afghanistan and Libya

    WHAT'S IT LIKE TO BE A SECRET BELIEVER IN AFGHANISTAN? "The Taliban are conducting a door-to-door search to find us,” says Gulshan in Afghanistan, whose name we've changed. "If they find us, they kill believers on the spot." Video: Gulshan's courageous story Gulshan is a secret believer, still...
  2. Wylandadh

    Persecuted Christians - North Korea the hardest place on earth to be a believer

    Praise God for a secret believer who became a Christian in a safe house in China before returning to North Korea. "After several months, he contacted me from North Korea," says an Open Doors worker. 'He said he was able to tell people about the gospel and they were now having Christian meetings...
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