satan's minions

  1. Tetty

    Please Pray for Jesus' Intercession

    Christ Lord God Holy Spirit Jesus, I praise You for Your Lordship. I praise You for accompanying me despite my flaws and inability to match Your Perfection. Thank You for allowing me to testify that I can attest to Jesus' truth that He does make Himself known if you ask, seek and knock by...
  2. Tetty

    Thank You Lord Christ Jesus God Holy ...

    Thank You Lord Christ Jesus God Holy Spirit for not forsaking me. Lord, I know I'm imperfect but I pray that You shall not withhold Your protection from me on account of my fleshly sins. I pray for strength to overcome the demonic spirit of sin and to overcome the demonically inclined earthly...
  3. Tetty

    Prayer for Jesus to Intervene

    Lord Christ Jesus God Holy Spirit, I long for Your presence within me. I praise You for not forsaking me. I pray Lord Jesus Christ that You'll draw me closer to You by Holy Spirit. I pray Lord Christ that Your will be done. I pray that You shall intervene over the satanic attacks hurled at...
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