Heavenly father pls forgive me of all sins and pls cleanse me of all unrighteousess. Pls deliver me from all evil from all unrighteousess from all attacks of the enemy and all satanic and spiritual attacks and all bad thoughts evil thoughts witchcraft demonic activities curses soul ties satanic...
bad thoughts
country: unknown
dallas tx ft
demonic activities
evil thoughts
half time job pls
heavenly father
spiritual attacks
Heavenly father thanks this morning. Pls forgive me of all sins pls cleanse me from all unrighteousess and all from all sins. Pls break and destroy all wickedness all evil and all idolatry and all unrighteousess in my heart. Pls remove all this out off my heart that I won't need to battle this...
country: unknown
heart pls
heavenly father
next protection
right motives
sins pls
spiritual attacks
sufficient money