sarraz bournet

  1. ludo sarraz-bournet


    Please pray Jesus for my mother Pomme Sarraz-Bournet who is half paralyzed due to an hematome on the spinal column that damaged some nerves in grenoble, France. She can't walk nor washed herself and is in bed for already 3 weeks. Her left leg and her digestive and urinary systems are blocked. I...
  2. ludo sarraz-bournet

    Sorry to ask you again.Please pray Jesus ...

    Sorry to ask you again.Please pray Jesus for my mother who is in the hospital, Mrs Andrée Sarraz-Bournet. She was always nice and, with my father, helped a lot a poor Ukrainian family and also a village in Africa. May God bless her and that poor Ukrainian family ostreinova. Oksana is a widow and...
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