sante panella

  1. Caefray

    100 percent healing

    please pray for me sante panella to be healed from the following 1 slep apnea 2 mild asthma 3 learning disablties 4 trigger finger 5 obesity anxiety umbilical hernia. 100 percent.
  2. Caefray

    please pray for me sante panella to ...

    please pray for me sante panella to seek out a very attractive italian/american female single never been married to children involved and is able to have children. and she gets acceped by my family . i get acceped by hers and gets along with everybody.
  3. Caefray

    please pray for me sante panella to ...

    please pray for me sante panella to be 100 percent healedfrom the followingconditions 1 sleep apnea 2 mild asthma 3 learning disablites 4 trigger finger 5 obesity 6 axinety 7allergies
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